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A Letter from Hell
Hello, my dear friend!
I hope that it is not the end
I wrote you a letter
But I feel it's not better
I don’t have beer here
I didn’t see any girls
All that I have is the letter
That I sent to you

Did you get my letter from hell?
Did you read it very well?
Please, do it only how I want
Because in Hell I am a bond!
I hate all these devils
Because they live in me
Please, my bro, kill them all
And free my soul

I made you a real weapon
There are greatest songs!
They kill all stupid minds
And will capture all best bodies
But I forget one chord
With ideas for a good word
Please, my bro, invent this song
It is my last request…
Категория: Тексты песен | Добавил: Kirpi4 (24.08.2012)
Просмотров: 374 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: A Letter From Hell | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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