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Суббота, 08.02.2025, 16:44
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Misplaced In The Past
He lived alone in his world,
He lived alone in his time
He always wanst more and more
But nobody can gave him this line
Nobody believed in his words
Nobody believed in his actions
They wanted exile from this world
His stupid ideas were fiction

Misplaced in the past
They wanna see your face
Misplaced in the past
Don't tell me lies
Misplaced in the past
They wanna see your face
Misplaced in the past
...your time expired

He was educated and knew, that
His principles were like a rock
But he had no time, and his truth
Can be forgotten, just talk!
Nobody believed in his words
Nobody believed in his actions
They wanted exile from this world
His stupid ideas were fiction

He fought against all his time
He fought for freedom of knowledge
He has devoted his life
To truth and a road to the future
Nobody believed in his words
Nobody believed in his actions
They wanted exile from this world
His stupid ideas were fiction.
Категория: Тексты песен | Добавил: Kirpi4 (17.08.2012)
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