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Суббота, 08.02.2025, 14:14
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Contact of Feelings
I want to be you,
I want to move into you,
Wanna be your tongue
And want to breathe by your heart.
I’ll give you my soul,
I will show my face,
I kiss your feelings
with my love to you.
Your blood – it’s my blood… Contact of feelings
My breath – it’s your breath… Contact of feelings
I’m afraid of your loneliness,
I’m torn, when you feel bad.
And I always hear your love,
I dream thy dreams.
I’m losing my mind, I really want you.
My blood in your blood….
My life in your love…
Please understand my desires.
Our feelings are stronger than us.
I cannot cope with my mind.
Категория: Тексты песен | Добавил: Kirpi4 (25.09.2012)
Просмотров: 381 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: A Letter From Hell, Contact of Feelings | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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