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Ghost In The Machine (Blaze cover)
Right on the edge of the world
Where the answer's digital
And the solutions are all silicon 
The questions all what can be done 
Never what is right or wrong 
There's a virtual wave to surf along

Question the validity 
Of human mortality

A page says superseding God
And they take all major cards
Now you too can laugh and live forever
Is the answer deep inside 

The ghost, ghost in the machine 
Entity or dream
It matters not to me 
The ghost, ghost in the machine 
Silent and unseen 
Ghost in the machine

Do you want to live forever?
Do you want to live?

Terabytes of memory 
Holding consciousness complete 
A solid state of immortality 
Saint of all technology 
Bless us in our infancy 
For they know not what they did to me 

Question the validity 
Of human mortality

The ghost, ghost in the machine 
Entity or dream
It matters not to me 
The ghost, ghost in the machine 
Silent and unseen 
Ghost in the machine

The ghost... the ghost... it's me!
Категория: Тексты песен | Добавил: Kirpi4 (25.09.2012)
Просмотров: 392 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: Ghost In The Machine (Blaze cover), System Is Dead | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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